On-line database of folk ensembles cultivating Polish folklore
About us
The ZespolyLudowe.pl portal is a database of Polish folk bands, which brings together both individual artists and dance and song ensembles. We hope that thanks to the involvement of Internet users, the portal will grow dynamically.
We invite all folk ensembles (cultivating Polish folklore from all over the world or folklore groups of national minorities operating in Poland), solo performers, festival organizers, community centers, associations and all folklore enthusiasts to cooperate!
Where did the idea come from?
We are lovers of Polish folklore. We ourselves have tried more than once to find directions to various ensembles, to see where there are folk ensembles in the area. Nowhere on the web did we find such a comprehensive service. Therefore, we decided to prepare a database in our spare time. We searched a bit on the Internet. We found information on more than 300 song and dance ensembles. Then we slowly created a portal. Later, the Facebook portal proved to be helpful.
This work took more than a year….
If there is incorrect data on the site – please let me know.
Reliability of data
We found the data used in the pages of the Portal on the web. We realize that not all of them are up to date. But we are successively updating the data.
Copyright and license
All data and especially the database as a compilation and statistics made available on TeamsLudowe.pl are protected by copyright and are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). This means that you can use our statistics as long as you meet the following conditions:
- Attribution: You must properly attribute authorship, provide a link to the license, and indicate whether any changes have been made. You can do this in a way that does not suggest that the licensor endorses you or your use.
- Non-commercial use: You may not use our statistics for commercial purposes. Commercial use of our statistics requires separate permission.
- Under the same conditions: If you change, transform or create new statistics based on ours, you must distribute your work under the same license as the original.
- No additional restrictions: You may not use legal or technological means that would restrict others from using the work under the terms of the license.